

Saturday, August 22, 2015

First Week of School

It's been a wonderful first week of school for all six Davenports! Brinson and Aiden are enjoying the rhythm of the school week, loving their classes and teachers, and making some wonderful new friends. Sheldon and Pierce's first ever taste of sitting in class and being away from the home for such an extended period has been incredibly smooth.  Their teachers are such blessings!  I'm thankful that I'm able to check in on them throughout their day and sit with them at lunch, although it doesn't seem necessary because they have jumped right in and enjoy it so much.  It's reassuring and encouraging to know that other adults besides us are pouring the Father's love into our kiddos.  All  four boys are excited each night to be returning the following day-always a good sign.

Entering on the First Day

Welcoming Students

I'm honored to be part of such an incredible team of missionary-educators united under the vision of "impacting the world for Christ."  The spiritual leadership of the school and the momentum that God is stirring up makes this an exciting time to be here.  It will be fun to watch what He has in store for the year.

Our motley crew is comprised of about 8 nationalities, but when the countries where our teachers grew up are considered, close to a dozen countries are represented.  Enrollment is at an all-time high with about 220 students K-12 coming from 27 different nations.  

I was flabbergasted when a show of hands was asked for at the elementary assembly indicating which country the students were born in.  Rwanda was well represented as the majority but several hands went up from Australia, numerous hands from other African countries, several from Europe, more from South America, a handful from Asia, and several from North America.  Every continent besides Antartica was well represented by the 100+ K-5th grade students.  Such a rare and rich experience!

Each morning, for about 25 minutes, the secondary students gather for Mission.  It's a time dedicated for Bible study, worship, or small group discussion depending on the day of week. I get to hang with seven 7th graders. I'm looking forward to getting to know these young men who come from various parts of the world and different world religions.  Lots of opportunity to learn from them and pour into them!

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