

Thursday, January 28, 2016

This and That

The last few months have been great. Here is a hodgepodge of recent pics.......
Aiden's bunny:  'Mr. Timmy the Second'
Eric in his office at KICS

Drying's all good till it starts raining.  There's a mad dash most afternoons to get them in as the rains start.

Necessity of nets.   So far we've been malaria free and haven't been on meds for prevention. So thankful!!!

KICS carnival.  I especially loved throwing wet sponges at Eric :)

Sheldon at the carnival

Hoping this little one holds on tight!  He looks awfully small to be a passenger.

Beautiful views in Uganda

Beautiful views in Uganda

Yippee--this year we graduated from our tiny tree that served us well in China for 3 years to a bigger one.

The girls at Centre Marembo LOVE getting their nails painted.
Lessons in carrying water. This is a daily task for most Rwandans.

Eric teaching a Bible story at the Centre.

Goof balls!

Brinson's 8th grade class. Seven nationalities represented.

I only threw this last pic in b/c we're frequently reminded of the great sacrifice it is for our families in the US who give up a lot for us to live here.  Thank you for your sacrifice!!  And this pic of my dad just makes me smile!